Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Tests of Motherhood. . .

Well, as many moms out there know, there are many perks to being a mom. However, I am here to say that there are also many tests, LOL!! They may be few and far between for some or a daily occurance for others. Whatever your current situation is, if you are a mom, you know what I am talking about.

Today started off as a day like any other. We woke up, had breakfast, I packed my 5yr old's lunch, then got my girls' clothes picked out. A little time passed in the events I just described, then we were running behind. This, I am learning, is a recipe for disaster!LOL!! (it wasn't funny at the time I assure you:)) Before I knew it I was rushing around like a whirlwind checking the time every few minutes. While dressing myself and brushing my teeth I heard my 5yr old picking on my 2yr old. Through the baby monitor, yes I still have one :), I heard them fighting and my 5yr old was screaming at my 2yr old. If you can only imagine the choas and crying I heard! My 2 yr old was pleading to leave the room and my 5yr old was telling the 2yr old to calm down, etc. The reason for this, I am sure, is because the 5yr old didn't want to get into trouble.. Well, she got EXACTLY what she did NOT want! I went marching into the room to find my 2yr old crying, since I heard the events that had transpired I went over to the instigator, the 5yr old. With a swift smack on the bum my morning turned into a cry fest! Mommy was now in "angry mommy" mode! Needless to say, from this point until I got the kids loaded in the car, mommy was NOT a happy camper, LOL!! Some evening privileges were taken away from the 5yr old in the process as punishment for fighting/bullying her younger sister. I dropped the 5yr old off at school, and all was well.. mommy solved the issues and handled the situation.. I was done, or so I thought!

I picked my 5yr old up from school this afternoon and she informed me that her teacher was mad at her. She preceded to tell me that she was stepping on her grapes. After some questioning on my part, I learned that my 5yr old was stomping on her grapes at lunch. When I asked the 5yr old why she was stomping on her grapes she informed me that they tasted "old and funny!" What?!?!?!? Do we, in our household, stomp on our food if we don't like it?? NOOOO!!! How and why do kids do the things they do?? I wonder what goes on in their little heads sometimes! As a mother it is embarrassing. I don't care who you are, as a mom nobody wants people to think you let your kids act like wild monkeys, LOL!! Just another day in the life of a mom I guess, LOL!! I am sure tomorrow this will seem trivial, at least I hope so, LOL!!