Thursday, October 15, 2009

A message from Heaven

OK, this is fair warning.. This blog not meant to be funny. It is just me putting into words the feelings I am having today. So, bear with me. Some of you out there may be able to relate. :)

I have been thinking of my dad today. Tonight my family and I went to my mom's for "family night" and my mom brought up something that made me start to think about him. I think about him often during this time of year. It usually starts as the anniversary of his death approaches in September and continues until after the holidays. It is not as bad as it was the first year after he passed, but I have my days and today was one of them. I miss him so deeply. He knows how much I loved him and still do. Since his passing there have been so many questions that have crossed my mind. For example, did he know that I was with him as often as I was?, Was he upset when I left his bedside to allow him some time for peace and quiet?, and Does he know that I love him and regret not spending more time with him? Well, on a somewhat happier note, I think I got some answers today.

Though it came from an unlikely source it has provided some peace. My mom has several people she works with and she is close to one of the ladies. This lady came to her, some time this week, and told her that she wanted to talk to her about a dream she had. My mom of course allowed her to. In the dream my father was in the hospital room and we were all gathered around him crying. Among some of the people was this friend of my mother's (In real life she was not present most likely). Anyway, she said that my dad was trying to talk but none of us could hear or understand him, except for her. He knew this somehow, so he started telling her things to tell us. He was saying that he was very proud of all of his children, that he loved all of us, and that he could not understand why we were all upset. He informed her that he was in heaven now, he was happy, and that he was not in any pain anymore. He also told her to tell us not to cry because we will see him again one day.

I truly believe that this dream was given to this friend of my mother's as a message to us from my father. I think that it is strange how God works sometimes!! It is always so wonderful to see his hands move in people's lives. He knew that my dad's family needed this and provided it in a way that we would be receptive to. I said this was an unlikely source because this friend of my mother's had not been particularly close to my father in his life. However, God, and maybe my dad, knew that the message would get to the needed people through her. This provides comfort for me in some way because it does let me know that he is "okay." To know that he loves me is nice too.:) I guess it also lets me know that he knew we were all there for him during that time. Although I will still miss him greatly, I know without a shadow of a doubt that he is happy, healthy, pain free, and awaiting the time when we will see him again. I will get to hug him again one day! This is the beauty of "the good news" we all have though salvation. I hope that everyone reading this blog knows this truth. God loves us all so much that he sent Jesus, his son, to die for our sins! For those who believe, this is the good news! We are not kept from Heaven because of our sins, that slate is wiped clean when we give our whole heart to God! Once we accept Jesus into our hearts it is like all of that is washed away!! So, I am going to sleep tonight with a GREAT comfort in knowing that my daddy (God and my earthly father) are waiting on me and will greet me with open arms when I see them one day!!

I love you daddy, thank you for everything!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Homework in Kindergarten?!?! Are you kidding me??

Today was the first student holiday that my husband wasn't off for. Thankfully, my little girls have a really sweet uncle who was willing to watch them for me while I caught some zzz's! :) Thanks lil bro!! My girls LOVE their Uncle so much!! We went for breakfast and had fun spending time together. Tonight however, I had to finish the work that my daughter missed from school last week. I have a question for all parents out there, Why is it that school work must be so confusing?!?!? My oldest is in Kindergarten.. I NEVER thought I would be confused by a kindergartner's assignments!!! I sure hope it was because my brain was dead after working all weekend and only getting a few hours of sleep today, otherwise I am in MAJOR trouble!! LOL:D. I would like to think that I am an intelligent person. However now, I think this is NOT TRUE!! I think I have been fooling myself all these years!!! LOL:D. I did figure out the assignment and then I started to "teach" my daughter the concepts she was supposed to master. I found this to be a little frustrating because apparently I was not able to explain the information correctly. My daughter just did not seem to be grasping the concepts at all!! After about one hour of frustration my husband took over. Once he took over, I think it was less than 15 minutes, and my daughter was able to understand the assignment! Boy, what a blow to my ego, LOL!!! As a mom, shouldn't I be able to be the best teacher for my kids?? I am left questioning my abilities tonight, and I pray that this is a momentary "glitch" for me. Otherwise, my entire thinking related to how things would work during the "school years" is in question! :'(

Hopefully this post isn't too boring for you other bloggers out there!!! Tonight was just a little eye opener for me as a mom, LOL!! :) I must say though, it was so NEAT to be able to witness my sweet daughter actually learning something new! She can now count by 2's, 5's, and 10's!!! I love seeing her little brain in action!! Maybe that is the lesson for tonight.. I need to do the watching, not the teaching, LOL! :D

Friday, October 9, 2009

I survived!!

Well, it is Friday! I made it through a week at home with two sick kiddos!! This is the start of my work week. So, this is like a Monday for me. I know to some it may seem like I am unlucky. Let me reassure those of you out there who may think this, I am okay with it! Well, most weeks at least,LOL! This week after being cooped up all week I am ready to be out of the house,LOL! Can we say, "cabin fever"!! In some ways I feel like I have been working all week. If I was not checking temperatures I was giving medication, placing cool cloths on foreheads, or sanitizing things! Moms have to wear so many different hats!! We are nurses, maids, referees, and chefs, and that is only to name a few! ;) My girls are doing so much better today! I decided to keep them both out of school for one more day just to make sure that they are going to be good to go back next week. Hopefully this will be the worst of their bout with sickness this year! :) No funny stories today, but rest assured there will be some to follow!:)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Hello all!!

The goal of this blog will be to provide a lighthearted warm welcoming place for all moms!! :) My hope is that myself and other moms like me will be able to have a good laugh while reading some fun little stories from my life. Anyone who is a mother knows that life is only what we make it. I hope to bring a "fun" aspect to the blog world. Now, with all of this build up lets get to some little stories... I hope they are not too boring!! :)

Well, today has been a day like most others. However, my oldest daughter has had the flu. Let me just say, when a child is sick every quality that grates a mother's nerves is multiplied. My oldest tends to be a little whiny on a good day. However, today, OH MY GOSH!! I have not heard so much whining and bickering! Her little sister is not one to take being pushed around, so one can only imagine what turmoil this created with my sick little one. I must say, although there were the usual fights, it is comical what things I heard them saying. My daughter who is sick has a stuffed up nose, you know how that can make a person talk funny, right? Well, the girls were in their play room and my oldest was talking to my youngest. All of a sudden I heard the youngest yell out, "I don't know what you are talking about", to her sister. I could not do anything but smile. How brutally honest kids can be sometimes!! Needless to say, my oldest daughter got frustrated because she was talking as clearly as she possibly could with her nose being so congested. This created a foundation for yet another bickering match between the two of them, and so another day in my life, LOL! I love being a mom. :) Never a dull moment I always say!!

Well, this is just a small taste of future posts to come. Hopefully my posts will make others laugh as much as they make me! Good night all!