Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wow, it has been a while!!!

I really need to stop letting so much time lapse between postings! :) Well, lets see.. since my last post I have been pretty busy.. I gave birth to my 3rd child, had about 12 weeks of maternity leave, went on a family vacation, got my oldest off to school again, and started back to work. Wow! That was about 3 months of my life squeezed into a few lines of text,lol!

My son is doing so wonderful..He is such a blessing to our family! ;') I love him more than I can express into words. It is truly an amazing thing, motherhood. It is hard to understand, but just when you think you could not possibly love another human being any more, you find out that you can. It is like my love multiplies everyday. I love all 3 of my kiddos so very much. :) I get teary thinking about it. I am starting to think that i am going to be like my father was, very emotional.:) That may not be such a bad thing though, at least my kids would know that I love them!:) My girls are adjusting very well to being "big sisters." They are pretty protective of him, especially my oldest. She is so gentle with him..I really see a nurturing side to her when it comes to her little brother.:) The middle one is so sweet with the baby too. She is only 3 1/2 yrs old, so she is not as nurturing. However, I do see a protective quality come out sometimes. She is definitely going to investigate when she hears her little brother crying! I have had to explain myself on more than one occasion. :D

I really admire stay at home moms..While on maternity leave I was alone with all three of the kids every day..let me tell you, it was NOT easy. I was so thankful for my husband during those days. Now, don't get me wrong I love my husband everyday. However, I came to appreciate him during my maternity leave. My husband was SO wonderful with helping around the house and taking care of the older two. I don't think that I told him enough.:) I found one thing to be my BIGGEST obstacle during my maternity leave..Keeping my house clean.. I found that I was picking up ALL THE TIME!! Then, I would turn around and the house looked as if I had done NOTHING!! There were days when I just gave up.. I also found that my patience was lacking during those days. I would constantly be losing my cool with the girls.. They probably thought their mommy had lost her marbles,lol! :D So, for all you stay at home mommies out there: Keep up the good work, you are LOVED and appreciated for all that you do, and Thank you! Just in case your husbands won't say it I did for them! :D

Anyone who has ever had a child can verify this with me..Man, how the body changes after carrying a child! For some women it is not that drastic, they are the lucky ones! After carrying 3 kids my body looks nothing like it used to! I feel like I have "curves" in places that were NEVER there when I was younger. These curves are not the type of curves one may desire on their body. I am truly in dire need of motivation to change my eating habits and work in some exercising..If anyone has some extra laying around please feel free to send it my way! :D

Well, I will hopefully be making more frequent posts and hopefully they will be more exciting! :D