Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Wow, time really does fly!

Okay, so today my little brother turned 18! I CANNOT believe it!!! I was twelve when he was born. So, I remember A LOT of him as a baby, a toddler, and an annoying little brother.. He was 7 yrs old when I got married and 11 yrs old when my oldest daughter was born.. I have literally watched him grow up. In many ways, I feel like a mother to him because I am so much older. I am protective of him, and I will do ANYTHING for him if he needs me. Today my baby brother, the same one that used to chase me around the house with a booger on his finger, turned 18 and became an "adult!" ;')

I am proud of the man he is becoming. I get to see a glimpse of the father he will be one day when I look at him with my kiddos. :) He is going to be a GREAT dad one day by the way! ;) I am happy for him, this birthday is a HUGE milestone in his life. For example, he can VOTE!! I know for him, this birthday is a little bittersweet..Our dad's birthday was 3 days ago. We used to always celebrate their birthdays together. So, I know that on this day he is probably a little sad. I think that all of us are a little sad today. There was a small sense of something missing for me today..My family still gathered, we had a birthday cake with candles for him to blow out, and we gathered around as my brother opened his presents.. Yet, something felt a miss...

My younger sister announced that she is expecting. :) This is such a wonderful thing. However, for a fleeting moment I thought, "man, I really wish dad were here right now.." He would have been so excited for her! I can just imagine that he would have hugged her, and with his voice cracking, he would have told her, "Congratulations!" We all would have given him a hard time for being so emotional and we probably would have laughed.. What I would give to hear his "kermit the frog" voice again. (My dad sounded like kermit the frog when he would speak while he was choking back tears) :') Even though he has been gone for 5 years now, his presence is still missed so much at times like these. My mom gave all 3 of us kids a few pictures of my dad blown up to 8X10 size..It was SO GOOD to get to look at his face..There are times when I think I have forgotten what he looked like, what his voice sounded like, or what it felt like to get a hug from him. However, when I get to look at old pictures it is like he has never left my heart..I have dreams sometimes where he will be talking to me and his voice seems so REAL, like I am listening to it not just imagining it.. I miss you so much daddy! I love you dearly! :')

To my sister: Congratulations! I know that Dad is so HAPPY for you and that he is sending you love from heaven. :) I truly believe that he will help to protect your little one just as he has protected, and continues to help protect, my kiddos. God will have his hedge of protection around you and your little bundle throughout your pregnancy and beyond. :)

So, on this day my brother turned 18..He is an adult in the eyes of the law..However, I think I will always look at him and see the little baby that my dad so proudly carried into the nursery, with his huge smile and his hand held up giving us a big thumbs up on the way in.. I love you little bro!