Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hello again!

Wow, I did not realize how much time has passed since my last post!! Well, with the holidays and work I have been pretty busy. I am sure many can relate to that, LOL!

News in my household, we are expecting our 3rd baby! :) My husband is hoping very much that it will be a boy this time.. we shall see! My girls are SUPER excited, it is very cute! They cannot decide if they would rather have a baby brother or sister. Well, at least my oldest can't decide. My youngest said she wants a sister! Wow, I cannot image what the decibel level would be with 3 girls in my house. I already feel my ears ringing some days! ;) Whatever the baby's gender turns out to be, the baby will be a blessing! My husband and I will be joyous to have a healthy baby!

I am curious.. how many mom's out there in "cyberspace" have days when they feel utterly inadequate and totally CRAZY!! I have been having a lot of those days lately. I am sure some of it is due to pregnancy hormones. However, I cannot help but wonder some days.. I worry about whether or not I am disciplining my girls appropriately. I wonder if I am showing enough love to BOTH of them. I wonder if they will remember those really "bad days" when mommy totally loses her temper and be traumatized in some way. I hope that one day my girls will be able to look back and laugh at how mommy's anger streak would shine through, but mostly I hope that they know I love them unconditionally. I want them to know that NO MATTER what they may do to anger me, no matter how mad I may get, I still LOVE them so very much!! ;') My heart grows every time they hug me, give me kisses, or just say "mommy, I love you." I hope I am not the only mom out there who has these thoughts, LOL! Something tells me that I am not alone in this!
Us modern day mother's who work and try to maintain a home and family are pulled in MANY different directions. Therefore, I can only imagine that there are many moms out there in my shoes! Don't get me wrong, I admire those stay-at-home moms! There job is NO EASY feat!! At least I do have some time away from my kids, and my hubby, to regain some sanity!!LOL! I would not change ANYTHING though, no matter how stressed I may get. I LOVE being a mommy!!

Thank you God for blessing my life with children!! I am so gracious for the opportunity to be in trusted with a little life!! Amen. Hopefully, with God's help and guidance, I will be able to raise them all in a way that is pleasing to my heavenly father above! After all, it is the least I can do! :)

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for baby 3! I can't wait! You are such a good mommy and those girls are blessed to have you as their mother! =)
